Storing morphs displayed in the world in a GOODS db

John Pierce john.raymond.pierce at
Thu Sep 23 16:32:05 UTC 2004

Hi all,

> I wish I could provide a suggestion or possible fix, but does anyone
> have any ideas?

I was able to work up some test code.  Again, you must be running
Squeak 3.7 release plus have GOODS.73-avi.mcz loaded with my local
patch to see this problem.  See my former email for my patch to store
live morphs in a GOODS db.

Run the following code to see what I am talking about -- I don't get
what is going on with the busted bitmap that appears indistinguisable
from a good one.


"Assumes you have a new GOODs server launched already with the
following parameters"
client _ KKDatabase onHost: 'localhost' port: 9999.
client commitWithRetry: [client root: Dictionary new].

joe _ Morph new.
joe openInWorld.
joe position: joe position + 100.

client commitWithRetry: [client root at: 'joe' put: joe].
joe abandon.

client _ KKDatabase onHost: 'localhost' port: 9999.
(client root at: 'joe') openInWorld. "should see BitBlt error here!"
ActiveWorld restoreMorphicDisplay. "do this to see broken joe --
notice, he's in the right position!"

"remember bad bitmap"
badBitmap _ (client root at: 'joe') color instVarNamed: #cachedBitPattern.

"fix the cachedBitPattern of joe using a new one from Color blue"
(client root at: 'joe') color instVarNamed: #cachedBitPattern put:
(Color blue instVarNamed: #cachedBitPattern).

"let's try to draw joe again -- all is well!"
(client root at: 'joe') resumeAfterDrawError.
ActiveWorld restoreMorphicDisplay. "might need to do this to see fixed joe"

"really weird that the object that is broken is no different than the
object that fixes it??"
badBitmap = ((client root at: 'joe') color instVarNamed: #cachedBitPattern)

- Any thoughts!


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