[FIX] [SarBuilder] [3.7-5988] - MessageNotUnderstood: PackageInfo >>fileOutOnStream:

Stéphane Rollandin lecteur at zogotounga.net
Tue Sep 28 07:38:21 UTC 2004

I have a fix for that, which I thought I sent to the list but as I 
couldn't find the mail today I guess it was not actually sent (?)

anyway, this is attached.



Magistrello Alejandro (SFA) wrote:
> tryng to produce a Sar file
> doing 
> SARPackageDumper fileOutPackageNamed: 'SARBuilder' as: 'SARBuilder.2.sar'
> i get the attached error
> regards
>    Alejandro
>  <<SqueakDebug.log>> 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.8alpha of ''17 July 2004'' [latest update: #5987] on 15 September 2004 at 12:23:28 pm'!
"Change Set:		newPackageInfoFileOutForSAR
Date:			15 September 2004
Author:			Stephane Rollandin

SARPackageDumper is not aware of the new protocol for filing out a package (it is now the responsibility of class ChangeSetPackageExporter, from PackageInfo-Exporters). this fixes the problem"!

!SARPackageDumper methodsFor: 'fileOut' stamp: 'spfa 9/15/2004 12:15'!
fileOutPackage: name 
	| pkgname stream pkg |
	pkg := PackageInfo named: name.
	stream := String new writeStream.
	ChangeSetPackageExporter fileOutPackage: pkg on: stream.
	pkgname := self datedNameFor: pkg externalName withExtension: 'st'.
	zip addMember: ((ZipArchiveMember 
				newFromString: (stream contents withSqueakLineEndings)
				named: pkgname)
				desiredCompressionMethod: ZipArchive compressionDeflated;
	^self storeFileIn: pkgname externalName: pkg externalName! !

!SARPackageDumper methodsFor: 'fileOut' stamp: 'spfa 9/15/2004 12:17'!
	| pkgname stream |
	stream _ WriteStream on: String new.
	ChangeSetPackageExporter fileOutPackage: package on: stream.
	pkgname _ self datedNameFor: package externalName withExtension: 'st'.
	zip addMember: ((ZipArchiveMember
			newFromString: (stream contents withSqueakLineEndings)
			named: pkgname) desiredCompressionMethod: ZipArchive compressionDeflated;
	self storeFileIn: pkgname externalName: package externalName.
! !

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