An analysis of interrupt behavior (was: Re: 6293LowSpaceWatcherFix-dtl considered harmful)

David T. Lewis lewis at
Fri Apr 1 11:44:35 UTC 2005

Thanks Andreas,

I will run some tests this weekend and see if I can confirm which
process is being interrupted and why. One additional data point I
can add is that the condition is 100% repeatable. That is, with
the combination of Unix VM + fixed memory allocation + Morphic
+ original #interruptName method + runaway recursion test, the
result will always be a VM crash. This should make it much easer
to debug.

One additional hypothesis: If you were to disable the "grow
object memory" capability within a Win32 VM, I would expect to
see the same VM crash behavior.

I'll post any results by this Sunday.


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