Database options was (Re: My first Magma experience ...)

Avi Bryant avi.bryant at
Mon Apr 4 19:44:32 UTC 2005

On Apr 4, 2005 9:40 PM, Chris Muller <chris at> wrote:
> > ODMG (and Magma) seem to block application evolution by storing the binary
> > objects so that class definitions can't change. It will be difficult to use
> > them in critical applications if this is correct.
> Just to clarify, Magma now supports live-class evolution and the ability for
> instances of many different generations of domain classes to exist in the
> repository simultaneously, and there is no need for big-bang conversions.
> Of course, this puts more burden on domain code.  There is only one definition
> of the class active in the image, it must be prepared to handle objects of any
> generation.

Can you give an example of the code required on the domain objects to
handle this?


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