Database options was (Re: My first Magma experience ...)

Daniel Salama dsalama at
Mon Apr 4 20:10:32 UTC 2005

On Apr 4, 2005, at 12:27 PM, Avi Bryant wrote:

> On Apr 4, 2005 5:41 PM, Daniel Salama <dsalama at> wrote:
>> My understanding from David is that the commercial license does not
>> have Linux file locking support. I'd be willing to buy a commercial
>> license immediately if I knew the support for Linux was there.
> The second you have a commercial license, I can send you:
> - An up to date version of OmniBase (commercial) with the linux file
> locking merged in
> - The version of OSProcess it depends on
> - A tarball of the unix VM source modified to work properly with 
> OmniBase
> - A prebuilt VM for Mac OS X with the above modifications (if that's 
> useful)

Excellent. I'll proceed with that as well. However, as Cees de Groot 
asked, what changes need to be made to the unix VM or even the Mac OS X 

> However, please do note that you can do a huge amount of evaluation,
> testing and development *without* the locking support and *without*
> using the commercial version... both of those are only things you
> would really need for a deployment scenario.

I'll also give this a try for the sake of it. Everyone is telling me 
that the NC version is outdated so, if this works fine, I'll still 
proceed with the commercial version.

Also, when testing the trial version, should I remove the self halt 
statement from 
ODBFileStream#createOn:createMode:accessMode:shareMode:cacheMode ?


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