OODB Storage Options and Performance

David Shaffer cdshaffer at acm.org
Tue Apr 12 22:40:10 UTC 2005

Daniel Salama wrote:

> The GOODS code looked like this:
> time:= Time millisecondsToRun:
> [Transcript cr..
> db := KKDatabase onHost: 'localhost' port: 6100.
> db root at: 'Sequences' put: (Dictionary new).
> db commit.
> base := db root at: 'Sequences'.
> nextCustomerNo := base at: 'CustomerNo' ifAbsent: [0].
> [0 to: 999 do:
>     [:i|
>     (i \\ 100) = 0 ifTrue: [Transcript show: '.'].
>     nextCustomerNo := nextCustomerNo + 1.
>     base at: 'CustomerNo' put: nextCustomerNo.
>     db commit]] ensure: [db logout]].
> Transcript cr; show: (time/1000) asFloat; show: ' seconds'.
> db := KKDatabase onHost: 'localhost' port: 6100.
> base := db root at: 'Sequences'.
> Transcript cr; show: 'Last Customer No: '; show: (base at: 
> 'CustomerNo').
> db logout.

Would you mind re-running the above test with a BTree instead of a
Dictionary as the root?  I'm just curious if it has any impact.


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