OODB Collections

marcelo Cortez jmdc_marcelo at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Apr 13 03:22:29 UTC 2005

hi all Daniel 

 try ODBTreeDicionary on root or collection 
 best regards

--- Daniel Salama <dsalama at user.net> wrote:
> I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light as to
> which of the standard 
> collection classes are "OODB safe"?
> By this, I mean that when large collections of
> objects are stored in an 
> OODB, they will be efficiently accessed via Squeak
> without having to, 
> necessarily, load the entire collection in memory.
> One example of these are, as were recommended
> earlier to me, the BTree 
> classes by Avi. However, looking at Magma, I see it
> does have some 
> support for large collections. Also, OmniBase has
> some collection 
> classes of its own.
> But, questions like: at which point does it become
> important to 
> consider optimized collections? or is it safe to use
> Dictionaries or is 
> there a more efficient collection? I don't know.
> Just looking for 
> general advise on proper usability of collection
> classes and their 
> persistency (sorry for being so vague).
> Thanks,
> Daniel

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