OODB Collections

David Shaffer cdshaffer at acm.org
Thu Apr 14 16:38:18 UTC 2005

Daniel Salama wrote:

>> My server peaks around 20-30% CPU
>> usage (Gentoo linux w/ 2.6.10 kernel).  I run behind an apache server
>> proxy (also apache serves absolutely all of my static content including
>> images and CSS).
> Would love to learn more on how you (and I've seen other people in the
> list recently post similar comments on the REST and Seaside thread)
> have configured Apache to do this for you.

Activate proxying in your apache ".conf" file (and make sure you have
mod_proxy loaded or compiled in):

  ProxyTimeout 300
  ProxyPreserveHost Off
  ProxyBadHeader StartBody
  ProxyPass /seaside http://localhost:8888/seaside
  ProxyPassReverse /seaside http://localhost:8888/seaside

  <Location "/seaside">
    Order allow,deny
     Allow from all

This is a _very_ basic config.  You can get a tutorial style
introduction to proxying issues from:
http://www.apacheweek.com/features/reverseproxies  I have had problems
with Comanche behind a proxy when uploading large files.  I basically
had to disable keep alive:  "HttpAdapter keepAlive: false".  Everything
works great now but I have no idea what the problem really was.

If you want to do things like load balancing you can use some tricks
with mod_proxy and the rewrite engine.  Here's a good intro: 

I use this when I want to bring a new image "live" w/o killing existing
sessions.  Basically I start the new image (listening on a new port) and
replace the existing server in my "ALL" list of load balanced servers. 
The session affinity keeps existing sessions on the old server but
creates all new sessions on the new one.  Once the old sessions are gone
I can stop the old image.  Works well although it is pretty manual at
this point.  I'd like to have a "deploy" script to take care of this but
haven't gotten that far yet.



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