Fwd: native threads

Ramiro Diaz Trepat ramirodt at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 18:22:28 UTC 2005

On 4/14/05, Tim Rowledge <tim at sumeru.stanford.edu> wrote:
Ramiro Diaz Trepat <ramirodt at gmail.com> wrote:

> > I believe that no serious server software will ever be possible
> > without preemtive multitasking, probably no client sofware either.
> Really? Have you not read about SeaSide, possibly the best webserver around?
> And we have a variety of net clients for things like IRC, mail, ftp, a
> webbrowser etc.
Are you serious ????
I appreciate A LOT all the improvements in Squeak applications, and
the servers like SeaSide, but if you really think that they can
compete (any of them) with their non Squeak counterparts in the real
world, you have to be the most irrational guy I red in years.
Why do you think that no large web site uses Squeak?  Just because
they are stupid computer illiterates?  The guys at Amazon, e-Bay,
Google, Yahoo; they are just jerks, right?

> There is no standard for 'native' threads that we could adhere to; every damn
> OS does it its own way, usually awkwardly. Native threads don't synchronise
> with our requirements for VM & object coherence either.
I know that languages like Java managed to do it properly, so I don't
believe that argument.   Application Servers that are completely built
in Java run perfectly on Windows, Linux, Solaris, etc. I see this
every day.
So there has to be a way.


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