Bug after string refactoring

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at gmx.de
Sun Apr 17 21:29:24 UTC 2005


Apparently, I'm the only guy who runs the refactored string stuff ;-) Or 
else I would have expected to get a few complaints over strange method 
orderings in the browser. It looks like the string refactoring broke 
comparison - where before we had:

	'foo' < 'foo:'     "true"
	'foo:' < 'fooBar'  "true"

we now have

	'foo' < 'foo:'     "true"
	'foo:' < 'fooBar'  "false"

which leads to ugly effects in the browser, e.g.,


It turns out that the culprit is String>>compare:caseSensitive: which says:

compare: aString caseSensitive: aBool
   | map |
   map := aBool
   ^self compare: self with: aString collated: map

Turns out that CaseSensitiveOrder is not the same as AsciiOrder as I 
expected. Clearly, this is wrong the way it is right now but looking at 
it from before the string refactoring it makes me wonder what that 
CaseSensitiveOrder was actually good for? It claims it sorts "space, 
digits, letters, all the rest" but where is this actually used (e.g., 
which applications rely on this ordering)?

I'm trying to find this out so that I can fix these things properly. 
Speedy feedback would be welcome, otherwise I'll propose to replace the 
above with AsciiOrder and your ordering is moot ;-)

   - Andreas

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