Connecting on database "MS ACCESS" or "MySQL"

Davide Arrigo davidearrigo at
Wed Apr 20 17:49:50 UTC 2005

Alle 23:35, lunedì 18 aprile 2005, bousso at ha scritto:
> Please I have a problem to connect my application on a database.
> I need a technic or method to connect generally on database an specificlly
> on "MS ACCESS" and "MySQL"
Hy there, yuo can try with something like this to connect your applicatio with 
MySql DB, in a workspace:

| connection spec statement resultSet value |
Socket initializeNetwork.
Transcript open.
spec :=    (JdmConnectionSpec new initialize
        user: 'YOUR_USER'; password: 'YUOR_PASSWORD';
        host: (NetNameResolver addressForName: 'localhost');
        database: 'YOUR_DATABASE';
        port: 3306).

connection := JdmConnection on: spec.
statement := connection createStatement.
resultSet := statement executeQuery: 'select * from contatto'. "this is a 
query by example in SQL"
"print column names"
Transcript cr; show: (resultSet columns collect: [:col | col name]) asString.

[resultSet next]
	value := resultSet valueNamed: 'NOME'. "get column named name"
	Transcript cr; show: value printString.

connection close.

You must install Mysql Driver by Squeak Package loader.
Best Regards
Davide Arrigo

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