[Whisker Browser] My wishlist

Darius squeakuser at inglang.com
Thu Aug 11 00:55:52 UTC 2005

What I wish could be added to the Wisker Browser:

1.  a. Move the contents of the Class Categories menu and Class Hierarchy menu
		to a tool/button bar at the top.
	b. Move "new method"
		to a button in the tool/button bar.
	c. Move "reorganize"
		to a button in the tool/button bar.
	d. Move the contents of the Method Tiled Pane menu's "more..." option
		to buttons in the tool/button bar in the Method Tiled Pane column.

2. Allow the results of the find appear in its own Tiled Pane above the Class
Categories Tiled Pane in the same column.

3. In the Class Categories Tiled Pane:

	a. Next to each Category or Subcategory
		(in a tab at the top?,
			a flap in this Tiled Pane?,
			a split screen?,
			or just in the white space on the line?)
		- a count of how many Subcategories are under it
		- a count of how many classes are under it

	b. Next to each class name
		(in a tab at the top?,
			a flap in this Tiled Pane?,
			a split screen?,
			or just in the white space on the line?)
		- a count of how many
			Instance Methods,
			Instance Variables,
			Class Methods,
			Class Variables
		- a flag if there is a class comment
		- in the title bar, put the count of the number of total classes in the system

4. In the Class Hierarchy Tiled Pane:

	a. Next to each class name
		(in a tab at the top?,
			a flap in this Tiled Pane?,
			a split screen?,
			or just in the white space on the line?)
 		- a count of how many classes are under it
		- a count of how many
			Instance Methods,
			Instance Variables,
			Class Methods,
			Class Variables
		- a flag if there is a class comment
		- in the title bar, put the count of the number of total classes in the system

5. In the Class Tiled Pane:
	a. In the title of the Tiled Pane next to the class name
		- a count of how many instances currently exist in the running image
		- if the count changes too quickly then put rate of creations/deletions per
second (or min, or whatever)
	a. Next to "Comment"
		- a date of when the last time the comment was changed
	b. Next to "Definition"
		- it's parent class' name
	c. Next to the Methods/Variables Categories (Both Instance and Class)
		- a count how many Methods/Variables are under it
		- "rename" and "remove" categories buttons
	d. Next to Methods/Variables names (Both Instance and Class)
		- a button to refresh and show on the same line
			- how many
				local senders,
				local implimentors,
				references to it,
				selectors containing it,
				method strings with it,
				method source with it,
				class comments with i,
				change sets with it
		- a button that, when pressed, shows in the Method Tiled Pane column, a tree
of the methods that are
				references to it,
				selectors containing it,
				method strings with it,
				method source with it,
				class comments with it,
				change sets with it
		- when one of the buttons above are presses,
			it puts the results in the Method Tiled Pane column
		- there should be a options that, when a method/variable is highlighted, all
these Tiled Panes automatically appear:
				references to it,
				selectors containing it,
				method strings with it,
				method source with it,
				class comments with it,
				change sets with it
		- a last changed date that, when pressed, shows in the Method Tiled Pane
column a list of the contents of the versions inspectors

6. If one of these buttons in the Method Tiled Pane column tool/button bar are
pressed:  "senders of it", "implementors of it", "references to it", "selectors
containing it", "method strings with it", "method source with it", "class names
containing it", "class comments with it", "change sets with it" is press, put
the results in a Tiled Pane in the Methods Tiled Pane column.

7. Allow a button that shows a new Tiled Pane in the Class Tiled Pane column a
list of all classes that currently have instences.

8. Also crosslink Model to Morph and back

9. Also crosslink to the Class' Test Cases to the Class and back


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