About community exposure

Giovanni Giorgi giovanni.giorgi at siforge.org
Thu Aug 25 12:03:40 UTC 2005

Can you expand these idea?
Why bloggers will help us?
I have a blog too, but I doesn't think something like Python, Ruby and 
get attention thanks to blogs...(that diary was very little used in the 
Linux days...)
I cannot figure exactly how this can help...

stéphane ducasse ha scritto  in data 25/08/2005 9.22:

> Hi all
> Last week I got an excellent chat with James Robertson from VisualWorks.
> He started a sentence that way:
>     "if you want to increase the visibility of Squeak..."
> Then I was thinking ok UI, Widgets, packages.....
> and not at all
> he told me that we need bloggers.
> I should say that I was quite surprised....and he explained to me and  
> I'm convinced
> now. So if one or two of you would like to
>     - have your own blog
>     - push the mailing announce into a blog
>     -...
> Please think about it.
> Stef

     Giovanni Giorgi           http://www.squeak.org

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