[Q] Maui, can I run example or demo?

Sungjin Chun chunsj at embian.com
Tue Aug 30 03:46:14 UTC 2005


I'm trying to create some remove file system client in Squeak. My  
previous version is FileList like thing(which is written in Objective- 
C in Mac OS X) but this time I want to use different approach like  
NakedObjects framework. It seems that Maui is related to this(am I  
wrong?) But I cannot install Maui using SqueakMap(or Monticello, it  
wants addTransferMorphSelector: method but my image, both 3.8 and  
3.9a does not have this method).

Can anyone let me know how to install Maui, and is there any example/ 
demo using Maui?

Thanks in advance.

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