SMTPClient ConnectionTimedOut: Cannot connect to

Bernhard Pieber bernhard at
Sun Dec 11 14:27:03 UTC 2005

Hi Squeakers,

For some reason I lost the ability to send mails using Celeste. I tried the 
following in a 3.9a-6704 image:

| smtpClient |
smtpClient := SMTPClient new.
 user: 'smtpuser;
 password: 'smtppassword';
 openOnHost: (NetNameResolver addressForName: '' timeout: 20) 
port: 25.
 mailFrom: 'email at'
 to: #('email at')
 text: 'From: test
To: "not listed"
Subject: this is a test

Hello from Squeak!
 smtpClient quit] ensure: [smtpClient close]

I get a ConnectionTimedOut-Exception: Cannot connect to The 
strange thing is that the exception is raised instantaneously. However, I 
think the timeout should only occur after 45 seconds.

What am I missing? I would be thankful for any help.


P.S. In my image the Monticello package Network is based on Network-CdG.21 
but has a lot of changes in the working copy. Why is this the case? 

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