Steward teams

Cees De Groot cdegroot at
Thu Dec 22 01:34:30 UTC 2005

This is just a quick ramble before I go to sleep - interpret it as such :)

I've been a bit worried about the lack of manpower in the Stewards
teams. Not about the current absolute numbers, but the fact that with
the current granularity, we'll need a lot more teams and thus people
and I'm not sure where we are going to get them from.

At the same time, I think we all agree that we should move away from
the monolithic development mode where one team maintains everything.

Therefore, I would like you to think about an intermediate way: cut
the image in rough chunks, maybe four our five, and assign these to
teams. "Core Class Library" (Kernel, Objects, Collections), "I/O"
(Files, Network), "UI" (Morphic, MVC), "Development" (Tools and
assorted stuff) is more or less along the lines I'm thinking of
(again, I'm just throwing an idea at the list so I haven't checked
whether this way of cutting covers everthing).

Four teams are easier to staff than the 10-15 we'd need if we keep the
package-level granularity. And when the teams grow big, they can
always divide work internally, and maybe later on split up when it
makes sense.

Anyway, sounds truer to "divide and conquer" than what we're currently
doing (which a pessimist might interpret as "chop and destroy" ;-)).



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