delay (Transcript vs Morphic)

Mark Polishook polishook at
Tue Dec 27 05:02:41 UTC 2005

this works

tr  := Transcript open.
3 timesRepeat: [
	tr show: 'hello'.
	tr cr.
	(Delay forSeconds: 1) wait.

this doesn't work.

y := 100.
offset := 20.
3 timesRepeat: [
	t := TextMorph new openInWorld.
	t contents: 'hi'.
	t position: 100 at y.
	y := y + offset.
	(Delay forSeconds: 1) wait.

desired behavior is 1 sec. between each TextMorph posting. actual  
behavior is a 3 second or so delay, then simultaneous posting of 3  

what's the problem/misunderstanding? how should a 1 sec. delay  
between each TextMorph drawing be written? (tia)

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