is there a fix so that cmd+. on mac open a debugger when we get a loop?

stéphane ducasse ducasse at
Sun Feb 13 20:53:11 UTC 2005

I retried with the process of the squeak vm but got the same result.

Minna at ducasse:~$ ps -ax | grep Squeak
  1566  ??  R      1:35.34 /Applications/Squeak 3.8.6Beta5 VM Opt -psn_0_16121857
  1576 std  R+     0:00.00 grep Squeak
Minna at ducasse:~$ gdb /Volumes/OSX/Applications/Squeak\ 3.8.6Beta5\\ VM\ Opt 1566
dyld: /usr/libexec/gdb/gdb-powerpc-apple-macos10 can't open library: 
/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/bfd.framework/Versions/A/bfd  (No 
such file or directory, errno = 2)
Trace/BPT trap

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