Partitioning the image (was Re: Shrinking sucks!)

Brent Pinkney brent.pinkney at
Tue Feb 15 06:40:19 UTC 2005

Hi Stef,

> thanks for this really interesting analysis we will digest it and get  
> influenced. :)

I really reel that we need to concider a few other things when discussing  
namespaces and why we need them.

We must ask ourselfves to what extent incomplete/wrong code is  
contributing to our need for namespaces.

By way of example: we only have one implementation of Integer. Is is  
beautiful, complete, fast, terse. etc.

By contrast we have quite a few implementations of Compiler and  
HtppClient. In both cases the duplicates are patial implementations.

If we had the One True compiler - fast, complete, full closures, tested  
and the One Treu RFC compliant HttpClient I submit we would not build  

Noone fixes a bug in String or Integer by implemeting MyString or  
MyInteger - we just fix the class.

This just seems lacking from the discussion.


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