Small Squeak 3.7 image

Geza Lakner MD geza67 at
Tue Feb 15 19:59:08 UTC 2005

Dear Paul!

This little beast is obviously a piece of work! Congratulations from
me, too!

I tried to play around a bit with it and loaded a small piece of
morphic code. Unfortunately the MenuMorphs's menu selection
add:target:selector:argument: method does not work :-(((

        w := SystemWindow new.

        t1 := TextMorph new extent: 100 @ 20; position: 50 @ 50; backgroundColor: Color lightBlue; borderWidth: 2;
                on: #keyStroke send: #keyPressed to: self.
        t2 := TextMorph new extent: 100 @ 20; position: 50 @ 80; backgroundColor: Color lightBrown ; borderWidth: 1.
        b :=  SimpleButtonMorph new target: self; label: 'Button';
              actionSelector: #invokeMenu; extent: 80 @ 20; position: 100 @ 140.

        w addMorph: t1; addMorph: t2; addMorph: b; bounds: (20 @120 extent: 250 @ 250); setLabel: 'Hello world'.

        m := MenuMorph new.
                add: '1. choice' target:  self selector: #menu: argument: 1;
                add: '2. choice' target:  self selector: #menu: argument: 2;
                add: '3. choice' target:  self selector: #menu: argument: 3.


When pressing the button in the generated dialog the menu appears but
disappears after a new click without executing the menu: handler.

Would you be so kind and elucidate the happening? Have you also
cleared some message dispatching code from the image? (I browsed the
MenuMorph code but seemingly the add:... methods are there yet.

Bye, Géza

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