Proposed web site

Hernan Tylim htylim at
Fri Feb 18 15:06:49 UTC 2005

Hi Bruce,
I really liked the page. An odd thing that I encountered was the squeak 
logo on the top left corner. I don't know if the logo was supposed to 
have that background color. It kind of look odd, don't it?

I also support your idea of a very minimal site and I wanted to ask if 
the "Latest news" section is really necesary. Because if for some reason 
that section stop being updated, then the site (and therefore the 
product) will inmmediately look dead to an outsider.

Instead of "Latest news" I propose a box with statistics that will show 
that Squeak is alive and kicking. From the top of my head we could have:

- number of new packages registered on SM on the current month (and total)
- number of new mails on the current month on squeakdev
- number of new mails on the current month on squeakland
- number of new bugs reported on the current month.
- number of new bugs fixed on the current month.

Lastly. Great work bruce! I really liked and sorry that I can only help 
with words and not code.


Bruce O'Neel wrote:
> Hi,
> One of the long standing complaints about squeak has been the 
> website has gotten out of date. 
> One proposal is at
> Some comments:
> - This is an attempt to make a minimial website, ie, let's 
> keep to an absolute minimum the bits that have to be directly
> maintained and push most of the maintenace off to the squeak 
> swiki.  This means that, basically, the web site will only be as
> good as the Swiki, so, keep that swiki up to date.  I'm leaning 
> very hard towards the idea that should be one web page.
> - I tried not to overload the page with too many links.  I may not
> have succeeded.  While a large chunk of the squeak community are
> programmers, not all of us are.  Unlike,, 
>, et al which are aimed at programmers we need to appeal
> to a broader group.  Ergo the proposed is less (I think)
> busy.
> - Yes, I borrowed the Mozilla Europe stylesheet.  I think I can do
> that, but, if not, the look can be changed.  It's all CSS.
> Blue seems like a reasonable squeak color.
> - The wording of all of this is subject to change.  I am alleged
> to natively speak some form of English, but I sure can't write it.
> - Since I'm alergic to wearing all black, I'm obviously not a designer
> either.  Apparently some real black dressed designer people will have
> a go at the design and try to make it better.
> If you've already commented and I seem to have ignored your 
> comment, could you send it again?  I didn't ignore it, I just
> got overloaded.
> And finally, I wanted to put a pointer to Tweak, but, tweak is
> too common a name and therefore I couldn't find a good web page.
> Could someone point me in the right direction there?
> If someone would like to make a good "other big projects with squeak"
> page on the swiki I'd also like to point to that.  The current 
> other projects with squeak is just a bit too big.
> thanks!
> cheers
> bruce

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