Another Small 3.7 image (3.6mb)

Steven Swerling sswerling at
Fri Feb 18 18:41:41 UTC 2005

German Arduino wrote:
  > Very good work!!!
> I've taken your image, installed needed addons and then installed 
> Komanche and Seaside, that is all that I need to develop web apps, and 
> all worked ok! (The final image is around 7MB, very good compared 
> against the usual 20 MB).

If you wind up having to grab any code from the full 3.7 image to get 
these working, could you send it my way?

BTW, I noticed that using the SqueakMap package loader adds about 1.3 mb 
to the image. That is, if you load the Accufonts package from SqueakMap 
into QuiteSmall, the saved image will be about 1.3mb bigger than if you 
loaded the Accufonts SAR from a local directory using the FileList. I 
guess the SqueakMap loader caches a lot of info about the map, which in 
most situations is the reasonable thing to do. But if you what that 
space back, you should just download the file to your hard drive and 
load it in with the file list.

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