Proposed web site

Tim Rowledge tim at
Fri Feb 18 19:15:36 UTC 2005

"Bruce O'Neel" <edoneel at> wrote:

> Hi,
> One of the long standing complaints about squeak has been the 
> website has gotten out of date. 
> One proposal is at
Well, it looks reasonably well layed out on Safari but on both my main
browsers (yes, on RISC OS of course) it looks _terrible_. Maybe people
don't care about that but it would be nice to have the page be in simple
enough html to work well on any browser. I wish I were expert enough to
make specific recommendations.  It _is_ possible to make page layouts
like this which will work in older browsers.

I really don't like the balloon graphic. I suggest a much better
graphic would be an actual screenshot of an image with some interesting
tools open. Making it a link to more screenshots of the tools -
accompanied by some explanation of what they do, why they are useful
etc would be helpful in explaining the system to newcomers. People like

And of course I expect to see the RISC OS port pointed to in the list
along with unix, mac and that other thing from redmond.

Tim Rowledge, tim at,
Modem:  How a Southerner asks for seconds...

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