[REPORT] Report 1 from castaways (that name sucks...)

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Sat Feb 19 09:14:11 UTC 2005

On 18/02/05 13:20, "goran.krampe at bluefish.se" <goran.krampe at bluefish.se>

> MinimalMorphic!
> -------------------
> This part is a bolder move. We are starting a task with Cees de Groot as
> team leader called MinimalMorphic.
> The task will run *in parallell* with the ongoing regular work on 3.9
> and track 3.9 as the base. The job is to create an automated procedure
> that brings/shrinks the 3.9 image down to a lean and clean tools-only
> Morphic image. Or possibly also down to MVC, but that is up to the team.
> The side product of this work is meant to be a loadable RestOfMorphic
> package and an eToys package. Or at least a RestOfMorphic package
> including eToys, that is also up for the team to find out.
> This is a hard job and involves cleaning up Morphic to its original
> simplicity and tweaking the tools to only use that part of Morphic. Dan
> Ingalls wants to be a part of this work (yes!) and Juan Vuletich has
> already announced his interest/intentions in working on this, which is
> just great. And there have been quite a number of people discussing
> these aspects recently. Cees will contact people and get the team
> together and anyone interested to help should of course talk to Cees.
> This procedure will not actually be applied to the 3.9 update stream, so
> 3.9 will be a "traditional fat" release, and exactly what 3.9 entails is
> that other "Stef roadmap"-thread we will start ASAP. But when 3.9 is
> released the MinimalMorphic procedure will be appliable to it and
> available on SM, which is a nice thing.
> The first thing for the 4.0 release is to actually apply the
> MinimalMorphic procedure in the update stream. Bam! 4.0 will start its
> life as a lean and mean Morphic machine. :) We of course then also let
> 4.0 get a shrunk V4.sources and an almost empty .changes file.

I wish help here , if someone as always could find a way to break things is
useful :-).

I could test on Mac 9, 10 and Windows.

And tell how is the world viewed "Desde el Sur".


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