Another Small 3.7 image (3.6mb)

Steven Swerling sswerling at
Sat Feb 19 20:32:58 UTC 2005

Steven Swerling wrote:
>> A comment to all , I think is a BAD IDEA rip platform dependent class as
>> MacFileDirectory
>> MacHFSPlusFileDirectory.
> Agreed. Any mistakes like this, keep them coming...
> BTW, it would be nice to get the ImageReadWriter hierarchy back as a 
> loadable add-on. But
(...not sure what happened there. Anyway...)

...But I don't have access to a Mac or Linux.

A side comment: QuiteSmall is just an experiment in stripping. There is 
no implied thesis or hidden agenda, accept that I hope somebody one-ups 
QuiteSmall with a more stable, more expressive small image. And I hope 
it's useful for studying and packagizing the image so that nobody gets 
left in the dust as squeak moves forward.

Hopefully it gets put to shame quick. In the meantime, if something's 
missing, just put it back in, and if you'd be so kind, send me the patch.

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