Goods + TreeSet>>keyForValue: problems: Bug?

David Shaffer cdshaffer at
Sat Feb 19 16:08:55 UTC 2005

Attached is an SUnit test that summarizes the problem I'm having.  Edit 
the connect method to point to a spare GOODS server and run the tests.  
Debug the errors and you'll find that trying to send perform: #number to 
the TreeSetBugObject causes a DNU but clearly these object do understand 
that message.  Inspect the message target and manually set it fine.  Inspect the message target (anObject) and 
manually send it perform: fine.  Strange.  I'm guessing 
that it is proxy related by my eyes are tired at this point.

Has anyone seen this kind of problem (TreeSet throws exception when 
testing inclusion?)?  Any ideas?


-------------- next part --------------
TestCase subclass: #TreeSetBugTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'TreeSetBug'!

!TreeSetBugTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 2/19/2005 15:54'!
	^KKDatabase onHost: 'localhost' port: 2004! !

!TreeSetBugTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 2/19/2005 16:05'!
	| db obj holder |
	db := self connect.
	obj := TreeSetBugTestObject new.
	obj number: 1111.
	db root at: 'testObject' put: obj.
	holder := TreeSetBugTestHolder new.
	db root at: 'testHolder' put: holder.
	db commit.
	db logout.
	db := self connect.
	(db root at: 'testHolder') addEntry: (db root at: 'testObject').
	db commit.
	db logout.

	db := self connect.
	self assert: ((db root at: 'testHolder') includesEntry: (db root at: 'testObject')).
	db logout.! !

!TreeSetBugTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 2/19/2005 16:05'!
	| db obj holder |
	db := self connect.
	obj := TreeSetBugTestObject new.
	obj number: 1111.
	db root at: 'testObject' put: obj.
	holder := TreeSetBugTestHolder new.
	holder manualInitialize.
	db root at: 'testHolder' put: holder.
	db commit.
	db logout.
	db := self connect.
	(db root at: 'testHolder') addEntry: (db root at: 'testObject').
	db commit.
	db logout.

	db := self connect.
	self assert: ((db root at: 'testHolder') includesEntry: (db root at: 'testObject')).
	db logout.! !

Object subclass: #TreeSetBugTestHolder
	instanceVariableNames: 'set'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'TreeSetBug'!

!TreeSetBugTestHolder methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 2/19/2005 15:57'!
addEntry: e
	self set add: e! !

!TreeSetBugTestHolder methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 2/19/2005 15:58'!
includesEntry: e
	^self set includes: e! !

!TreeSetBugTestHolder methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 2/19/2005 16:02'!
	set := TreeSet sortBy: #number! !

!TreeSetBugTestHolder methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 2/19/2005 15:56'!
	^set ifNil: [set := (TreeSet sortBy: #number)]! !

Object subclass: #TreeSetBugTestObject
	instanceVariableNames: 'number'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'TreeSetBug'!

!TreeSetBugTestObject methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 2/19/2005 15:42'!
	^number! !

!TreeSetBugTestObject methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 2/19/2005 15:42'!
number: anObject
	number := anObject! !

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