e: Proposal for more stripping (was: Re: Another Small 3.7 image (3.6mb)O

Steven Swerling sswerling at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 20 19:19:52 UTC 2005

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene wrote:
> Ok, it's noon here at I stop until sunset.
> Image remains 3.8 and how you could see I fix a lot.
> Major tools as dusl change sorter fixed.
> Morph _must to have_ like collapse, Gif reading, putting in background 
> and others fixed.

Looks like you've got the initiative now. I'm going to kick back and see 
what you come out with, and then resume later with your image (some 
friendly competition, it could be like a game of ping pong). I hope you 
get to where your going soon.

BTW, I'd like to add to your list: part of ImageReadWriter, so that you 
can get media into the image. And FileList2 can no longer access remote 
files, a pity. Hopefully, these abilities can be installed in small 
chunks. I'll try adding them to your image myself if you run out of gas 
before you get to these.

One more request -- just keep a small list of functions you notice are 
missing. If it's missing, and it's basic, that also means there is no 
Unit test for a basic function. Unless I somehow missed filing in an 
existing Test, but I think I ran most of them (see the Tests.cs file). 
We need to write a Unit Test for everthing missing from QuiteSmall, 
because the Unit tests are incredibly useful to have for this kind of 
thing. For now, let's just make a list. That's probably one of the most 
useful things that might shake out of all this for the guys that are 
going to take a stab at MiniMorphic.

Good luck...

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