instead of "ambience" (was "another balloon picture")

Brad Fuller brad at
Tue Feb 22 21:33:49 UTC 2005

Craig Latta wrote:

> > I do not use the world "environment" because it is undestood as a set
> > of tools (like in IDE). A kind so suitcase (or medium) to survive when
> > exposed to computers. :-)
>     Actually, that isn't true everywhere in the computer world. In the 
> Lisp and Smalltalk communities, for example, people have understood 
> "environment" correctly (and in the way you're using "ambience") for a 
> very long time. The meaning is very much like that evoked by 
> "environmentalists" when describing the natural world.
>     And you probably want to say "probably" or "actually" instead of 
> "provably". :)
> > [I] really appreciate your comments!
>     Sure thing. :)

sheesss... Latta... you're sure picky...

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