less preliminary: p2p code that actually does something

Cees de Groot cg at cdegroot.com
Wed Feb 23 00:02:48 UTC 2005

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 01:31:03 +0100, I wrote:

> The next step will be a demo app.

Well, it's *almost* there. Just needs a user interface. But the most  
important bit of the proof-of-concept is in the domain code, which is an  
application of the new flood searching stuff in the AardWorks-Gossip  

http://kilana.unibe.ch:8888/DGV is the MC repository, you want the latest  
incarnation of 'Tric-P2P Chat' in there. If you have a AWGPeer running per  
the instructions from yesterday, you can now do

TPCNode onPeer: <your AWGPeer>

My UI still is the explorer ;).

Stuff that works:

TPCNode>>availableForChat - makes yourself available (thus findable)
TPCNode>>findUser: - finds the peer/endPoint where the user is waiting for  
chat requests

what needs to be done on findUser: finding something is replying probably  
with a new endpoint and opening a chat window between these two endpoints.  
Anyway, that bit of the software needs some overhaul, I've been  
concentrating on everything behind #findUser:

wrt code reuse: is there a reasonably clean 1:1 chat morph somewhere? Not  
the eToys stuff, it looks too hardwired to their own chat protocol (and  
no, I ain't gonna refactor it ;)).

Feedback requested: it looks that responsibilities are nicely divided,  
except for the code in TPCNode>>receivedSearch:from: - comments on that  
code much appreciated.

Hopefully another update tomorrow...

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