[Updates] 19 updates posted

Michael Rueger michael at impara.de
Wed Feb 23 14:12:28 UTC 2005

Hi all,

just posted 19 updates to 3.8 and 3.9.

All these updates are from the squeakland update stream.



"Change Set:		FontFixupSpeedup-nk
Date:			8 November 2004
Author:			Ned Konz

This CS makes loading of projects only pay the price for font fixup if 
they actually had missing fonts.

On my system, a particularly complicated project with 278 
ScriptEditorMorphs took the following time to load and enter:

         load   enter
before  32       14
after    29       3

This is important because on entry there is no indication that anything 
is actually taking place, and so it looks dead for the 14 seconds.

(shouldn't we add some kind of indication that it's still working?)

"Change Set:		FontProgress
Date:			1 December 2004
Author:			Andreas Raab

The 'lost' displayFontProgress method."

"Change Set:		removedMethFix-sw
Date:			1 December 2004
Author:			Scott Wallace

Provides the missing method PseudoClass.stampAt: that was needed to make 
the improved removed-method reporting in a file-contents-browser in 
update 0368tidbits-sw correct."

"Change Set:		allScriptsButtons-sw
Date:			8 December 2004
Author:			Scott Wallace

Restores the look of the dismiss, expand, and help buttons on the All 
Scripts Tool to their appearance last year.  And the corresponding 
buttons in the 'gallery of players' are made to conform to this 
appearance as well."

"Change Set:		TTCFontSetReg
Date:			2 December 2004
Author:			Yoshiki Ohshima

Instead of using #allInstances in #familyName:pointSize: it now sets up 
a registry and search fonts from there.  Also fixes some loose ends."

"Change Set:		ProjectLoad-tk
Date:			2 December 2004
Author:			Ted Kaehler

Clean up the code that load a Project from disk or a server.
Improved class comments in Project and ImageSegment.  Speed of
loading is only modestly better.

Provides a new way for objects in a Project to adjust themselves when
they enter a different version of the system.  After a project is
loaded, every object is sent fixUponLoad: aProject refStream:

Just to review:
	comeFullyUpOnReload: smartRefStream		Used to
re-discover an object that already exists in this image, such as a
resource, global variable, Character, or Symbol.  (sent to objects in
	convertToCurrentVersion: varDict refStream: smartRefStrm
		fill in fields that have been added to a class since
the object was stored.  Used to set the extra inst var to a default
value.  Or, return a new object of a different class.  (sent to
objects that changed instance variables)
	fixUponLoad: aProject refStream: smartRefStrm
	change the object due to conventions that have changed on the
project level.  (sent to all objects in the incoming project)

"Change Set:		corruptScriptFix-sw
Date:			15 December 2004
Author:			Scott Wallace

Fixes up certain damaged etoy projects -- request 'attempt misc repairs' 
from the authoring-tools menu to invoke.
*  uniclassScripts that have nil scriptEditors are expunged.
*  uniclassScripts that have nil scriptedClasses are fixed up.
*  scriptEditors whose scriptNames conflict with the selector of the 
uniclassScript that holds on to them are fixed up."

"Change Set:		EnableKeystrokeEvent-nk
Date:			13 December 2004
Author:			Ned Konz

CS 0359keyboardEvents-nk did not register the keystroke event trigger 
properly (or rather, 0367specificEvents-nk didn't change 
PasteUpMorph>>initialize as it should).

This change set restores the 'keyStroke' event for PasteUpMorphs 
including the World.


"Change Set:		dismissFix-sw
Date:			22 December 2004
Author:			Scott Wallace

If the user removes a phrase from an etoy scriptor by using the dismiss 
handle on the halo of a PhraseTileMorph, the needed script-recompilation 
notification will now take place."

"Change Set:		balloonCenter-wiz
Date:			31 December 2004
Author:			Jerome Peace

Fix for Mantis bug 783: Balloon Morph text goes outside of balloons when 
lots of text.

Large balloons such as that for the trash can are not centered in the 
adjustedCenter tried to fudge it.
This fix returns the original center of the textMorph within the balloon 
by selecting the vertices that represent the morphs corners and finding 
their center. A perfect fit every time."

"Change Set:		visibleThumbnail-sw
Date:			29 December 2004
Author:			Scott Wallace

Assures that the thumbnails of objects with extreme aspect ratios do not 

"Change Set:		sibHalo-sw
Date:			2 January 2005
Author:			Scott Wallace

*  The greenish top-right-halo handle, which may be either the olive 
'make-sibling' or the bright green 'make-deep copy (duplicate)' handle, 
will now, when depressed while the *shift* key is down, trigger the 
'other' action, i.e. shift click on olive handle yields make-deep-copy, 
and shift-click on bright green handle yields 'make-sibling.'
*  A further visual cue is provided when operating a green handle:  the 
color of the handle while dragging the resulting sibling or deep-copy 
will reflect the actual kind of copy made, which may be different from 
the original color of the handle if the shift key were found to be down.
*  Whether or not a scripted player will show the olive handle in the 
halo is now governed by a new preference, 
#oliveHandleForScriptedObjects, which is automatically set to false when 
the eToyFriendly preference is set to true.
*  Also adds, to the morph halo's 'siblings' submenu, for scripted 
objects, a new item, 'flash siblings', which will momentarily flash an 
object and all of its siblings.
This version of this fileout intended for Squeakland3.8"

"Change Set:		literalChg-sw
Date:			5 January 2005
Author:			Scott Wallace

Recovery from the recent language change that made '#(nil) first' parse 
to nil rather than to #nil, and similarly for #(true) and #(false). 
This update restores the pre-existing semantics of several methods 
affected by that change."

"Change Set:		smartTileMorph5-tak
Date:			4 January 2005
Author:			Takashi Yamamiya

Cleanup of mouse=handling in TileMorph and its subclasses, including:
Click on current-value for any type with enumerated textual values (and 
also on numeric assignment tiles) uniformly brings up a pop-up of the 
list of alternatives.
- Fix for http://bugs.impara.de/view.php?id=189 (floatPrecision was not 
saved when extension arrow was hit).
- Fix for bug that you could type in to the readout portion of a boolean 
readout tile.
- Some redundancies in SymbolListTile removed.
This version is for Squeakland 3.8.

A couple of small fixes made and some changes to the preamble wording 
done by sw 04Jan05"

"Change Set:		customizeFix-yo
Date:			6 January 2005
Author:			Yoshiki Oshima

Fixes a bad typo in StandardScriptingSystem method #customizeForEToyUsers:"

"Change Set:		muchBetterWatchers-sw
Date:			6 January 2005
Author:			Scott Wallace

Enhancements to etoy watchers:
* Readouts for all watchers are now type-appropriate.  Up until now, all 
readouts had been textual; now for a color type you'll get a watcher 
showing a color swatch, and so forth down through all the available types.
*  So-called 'fancy watchers' are now allowed on variables of any type, 
not just numbers, and, as for the simple watchers, the readout supplied 
is type-appropriate.
*  The *name* of a watcher now reveals its provenance.  Formerly, it was 
extremely difficult to figure out what a simple watcher was watching. 
And the watcher is dynamically updated to track the name of the object 
it is watching.
*  When you drop a slot-retriever phrase (such as car's x) on the 
desktop, if the new preference #dropProducesWatcher is true, a watcher 
will be produced.  Try it, you may like it!
*  A watcher can be dropped into a type-compatible tile pad in a script.
*  Some adjustments made to which data-types can be ascribed to 
user-defined variables."

"Change Set:		bounceSoundFix-sw
Date:			10 January 2005
Author:			Scott Wallace

Fixes the bug that made execution of an etoy #bounce: raise a 
deprecation warning.  This bug had resulted from update 
5747soundSystemCleanup-gk, dated 23Feb2004"

"Change Set:		watcherDefaults-sw
Date:			12 January 2005
Author:			Scott Wallace

Restores former watcher feel:.
* Wordings 'simple watcher' and 'detailed watcher' (as opposed to 
'unlabeled watcher' and 'labeled watcher') restored.
*  The dark blue color restored.
*  The preference that governs whether the drop of a getter produces a 
watcher or not, dropProducesWatcher, is set to false by the postscript 
of the update.
*  Bug fix (Mantis Squeakland bug 824):  a wacher can again be dropped 
in a 'test' area, whereupon it will expand into the appropriate relation 
as usual.
*  Also fixes long-standing bug (dating back to at least 2001) that 
mishandled the coercion of typed getters for variables of any SymbolList 
*  Also fixes bug that arrived with update 0383smartTileMorph5-tak, in 
which the code for a Scriptor was not getting recompiled when a 
relational tile (such as = or <=) had its relation changed by direct 
manipulation, either by operating one of its carets or by choosing a new 
value from a pop-up obtained by clicking on the tile."

"Change Set:		suppressSounds-sw
Date:			29 January 2005
Author:			Scott Wallace

Allows certain of the standard 'built-in' sounds to be suppressed from 
sound-choice popups except when they are the current choice.  This 
affects both SoundTiles and SoundReadoutTiles.

The list of formerly-standard sounds that should be suppressed is 
hard-coded in method StandardScriptingSystem.soundNamesToSuppress; for 
now, these are 'scrape' and 'peaks'."

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