[Q] Why is the correct way to as for a Symbol un 3.8 ?

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Feb 24 13:37:51 UTC 2005

On 24/02/05 09:55, "Bert Freudenberg" <bert at impara.de> wrote:

> Why, isSymbol of course. Symbols and MultiSymbols answer true, while
> all other objects answer false. Just look for implementors of isSymbol
> ...
> - Bert -

Symbols isSymbol was gone.
Object isSymbol  answer false
MultiSymbols isSymbol  answer true
Symbols not inherits from MultiSymbol so answer false.

And Code blows or enter in neverland

I check before I ask , so answers remains.



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