To Traits Or Not To Traits (Was: Re: Stefs roadmap for 3.9, time to get it nailed down)

Ned Konz ned at
Thu Feb 24 16:13:54 UTC 2005

On Thursday 24 February 2005 7:15 am, Nathanael Schärli wrote:
> If you are using no libraries that use traits, then traits have
> absolutely no effect on you, except that there are a handful of
> additional classes in the kernel (such as Trait, TraitDescription,
> ClassTrait, etc.) that most people are not interested in anyway.

There is one effect: your image is larger. For those of us wanting to run 
embedded systems on memory-constrained devices, this can be an issue.

How much larger does (the absolutely necessary, hard to load as a package, 
kernel part of) Traits make an image? I'm assuming that the browsers and 
other tools could be packaged separately, right?

Ned Konz

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