An image geared toward eToys, but actually Squeak 3.8 - epsilon + alpha

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki at
Thu Feb 24 17:49:01 UTC 2005


  As some of you may know, the Japanese community, mainly Takashi,
Abe-san, and I have been working on assembling an image based on
Squeakland 3.8, and geared toward Japanese eToys users.

  I'd like you to know that we just put another intermediate version
on the web.

  The code base of this image is close to Squeakland 3.8 and Squeak
3.8 gamma, but has some changes that is not in these "official ones"
yet.  Also, it has some more graphics assets that supports Japanese
users.  Thanks to Michael, the code is now being merged back to 3.8's,
so it is really close.  (The fix for #condenseSources is not there
yet, though.)

  In this image, the buttons in PaintBox, 'no color' and 'translucent'
words in ColorPicker can be translated.  Take a look at the
NaturalLanguageFormTranslator class and inspect 'ja' instance in
CachedTranslations class var.  If you supply these forms and set up an
instance, you can do the same in your favorate language.

  If you've been working on translation for a language, follow these

  * Download and unpack.
  * Launch NSqueak-2005-02-25.image.
  * Press the earth button in the nav bar and choose English.
  * Export the .translation file in your working image.  (Make sure
    the file name is xx.translation, where xx is the two letter
    language code.)
  * Load (merge) it from File List.
  * Go to the nav-bar and choose the language.

To supply more translation, open the LanguageEditor from the 'open...'

  If you have any questions in this sector, please let me know,

-- Yoshiki

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