
Dan Ingalls Dan at
Sat Feb 26 19:34:42 UTC 2005

Doug Way wrote...
> > Anyway, I'm not sure if Dan really needs to follow all of these
>> Versioning-related discussions... :) it seems like a powerful
>> versioning/source code management system could be designed relatively
>> separately?  A versioning system only requires that there is a
> > packages/modules system which defines/partitions source code.

And Alex Bergel replied...
>I agree. When I was replacing PackageInfo by Package, I haven't had to deal anything with versionning... MC does it pretty well.

It's true that many of these issues of coordinating changes between multiple programmers, and keeping versions consistent are not the business of the module system as I see it.

However, it is still useful to have them in the early discussion, as I said before, because they will inform the design by showing what is needed.  Ideally we will soon reach a point where we can say, "The module system takes care of X, Y, and Z, so the package management tool only needs to do P, Q, and R, and here's how they interface..."

	- Dan

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