Color and HTTP Proxy preferences

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at
Tue Jan 4 21:18:13 UTC 2005

On 04/01/05 13:13, "Doug Way" <dway at> wrote:

> Thanks for the preferences work.  Boolean, Numeric, Text, and Color all
> sound like good fundamental preferences "types" to have.
> One fundamental preferences type that is still needed, though, is some
> sort of multiple-choice or radio-button type.  Maybe call it "Choice" or
> something.  It could be represented as a set of Symbols, one of which is
> currently "selected".  It would show up in the PreferencesBrowser as a
> set of radio buttons, only one of which can be selected at a time.
> You mentioned in the other thread that you have a "Halos" preferences
> type (based on the previously existing Halos preference)... this one
> should really be implemented as a Choice type instead.
> There are a few current Boolean preferences which should really be
> Choice preferences, such as the
> swapCtrlAndAltKeys/dupCtrlAndAltKeys/dupAllCtrlAndAltKeys combo.  Right
> now we have to have an ugly hack which prevents you from selecting more
> than one of these.  Also browseWithPrettyPrint/colorPrettyPrint, and
> there may be others.
> - Doug
> On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 08:37:17 -0300, "Hernan Tylim" <htylim at>
> said:
>> Hi,
>>     I just wanted to advertise that I added to PreferenceBrowser support
>> for Windows Colors and HTTP Proxy settings. The required refactoring for
>> them are waiting on Mantis. If you are interested,  please review them
>> and ask for their inclusion on 3.9a.
>> There are 3 .cs
>> The Window Color refactorings:
>> ( WindowColorPrefs-hpt.2.cs )
>> A 2 methods .cs that adds numeric preferences support to the base image
>> to the already present text, color, and boolean preferences :
>> ( NumericPrefs-hpt.1.cs )
>> HTTPSocket refactoring to use Preferences instead of a class variables
>> to store the HTTP Proxy Settings:
>> ( HTTPProxyPrefs-hpt.1.cs )
>> Regards,
>> Hernán
For radio button selection tool. Here is something Ned do some time ago ,
just in case you do not write your own.
And not forgive the long needed Fonts preference.


-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.2gamma of 15 January 2002 [latest update: #4913] on 25 July 2002 at 4:51:14 pm'!
"Change Set:		RadioButtonGroupMorph-nk
Date:			25 July 2002
Author:			Ned Konz

This is a simple radio button group that takes a single target and sets buttons based on the return value of performing a selector on that target.

See the class side for examples of its use.

It includes the UpdatingThreePhaseButtonMorphEnhanced from Stephan B. Wessels' IRC Enhancements change set.

RadioButtonGroupMorph example1

BorderedMorph subclass: #RadioButtonGroupMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'values target getSelector getArgument setSelector setArgument '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'People-nk-Demo'!

!RadioButtonGroupMorph commentStamp: 'nk 7/25/2002 16:02' prior: 0!
This is a simple radio button group that takes a single target and sets buttons based on the return value of performing a selector on that target.

See the class side for examples of its use.

initializeWithValues: anArrayOfValues
	this constructs the buttons, and makes them each correspond to a value in anArrayOfValues.

	this sets the object that is queried and set.

	these set the selector and argument that is sent to the target to get the current value.
	these set the selector and argument that is sent to the target to set the value when a button is pushed.

UpdatingThreePhaseButtonMorph subclass: #UpdatingThreePhaseButtonMorphEnhanced
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Morphic-Widgets'!

!UpdatingThreePhaseButtonMorphEnhanced commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
allows for the #getSelector to use the get argument value if needed.!

!RadioButtonGroupMorph methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'nk 7/25/2002 16:01'!
isValue: aValue
	"Answer true if the result of performing my getSelector is aValue."
	(getSelector isNil or: [ target isNil ]) ifTrue: [ ^false ].
		ifNil: [ target perform: getSelector ]
		ifNotNil: [ target perform: getSelector withArguments: { getArgument } ]) = aValue
! !

!RadioButtonGroupMorph methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'nk 7/25/2002 16:01'!
setValue: aValue
	(setSelector isNil or: [ target isNil ]) ifTrue: [ ^self ].

		ifNil: [ target perform: setSelector withArguments: { aValue } ]
		ifNotNil: [ target perform: setSelector withArguments: { setArgument. aValue } ]) = aValue
! !

!RadioButtonGroupMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'nk 7/25/2002 16:23'!
initializeWithValues: arrayOfValues
	"Given arrayOfValues, construct my buttons.
	One of the values should match the return value from performing my getSelector"
	| button |
	values _ arrayOfValues.
	self layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
		hResizing: #spaceFill;
		vResizing: #spaceFill;
		listCentering: #center;
		color: Color transparent;
		borderWidth: 1.

	self addMorphBack: (Morph new color: Color transparent; vResizing: #spaceFill).
	arrayOfValues do: [ :val | | aligner |
		aligner _ (Morph new color: Color transparent;
			layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
			listDirection: #leftToRight;
			layoutInset: 4 at 0;
			cellInset: 2 at -2;
			hResizing: #spaceFill;
			vResizing: #shrinkWrap).
		button _ UpdatingThreePhaseButtonMorphEnhanced radioButton.
		button target: self;
			actionSelector: #setValue:;
			arguments: { val };
			getSelector: #isValue:;
			getArgument: val.
		aligner addMorphBack: button.
		aligner addMorphBack: (StringMorph contents: val asString).
		self addMorphBack: aligner.
		self addMorphBack: (Morph new color: Color transparent; vResizing: #spaceFill).
! !

!RadioButtonGroupMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'nk 7/25/2002 15:37'!
getArgument: anObject
	getArgument _ anObject
! !

!RadioButtonGroupMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'nk 7/25/2002 15:36'!
getSelector: selector
	getSelector _ selector.
! !

!RadioButtonGroupMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'nk 7/25/2002 15:53'!
setArgument: anObject
	setArgument _ anObject
! !

!RadioButtonGroupMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'nk 7/25/2002 15:53'!
setSelector: selector
	setSelector _ selector.
! !

!RadioButtonGroupMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'nk 7/25/2002 15:37'!
target: anObject
	target _ anObject
! !

!RadioButtonGroupMorph class methodsFor: 'examples' stamp: 'nk 7/25/2002 16:23'!
	"RadioButtonGroupMorph example1"
	"Make a RBGM with three values"
	| assoc g |
	assoc _ 'myKey' -> #one.
	g _ RadioButtonGroupMorph new initializeWithValues: { #one. #two. #three }.
	g target: assoc;
		getSelector: #value;
		setSelector: #value:;
		extent: 55 at 62.
	g openInWorld.
! !

!UpdatingThreePhaseButtonMorph methodsFor: 'relocated from all category' stamp: 'sbw 3/3/2002 12:04'!
	^ target perform: getSelector! !

!UpdatingThreePhaseButtonMorph methodsFor: 'relocated from all category' stamp: 'sbw 3/3/2002 12:05'!
	| newBoolean |
	super step.
	state == #pressed
		ifTrue: [^ self].
	newBoolean _ self getNewBoolean.
	newBoolean == self isOn
		ifFalse: [self
				state: (newBoolean == true
						ifTrue: [#on]
						ifFalse: [#off])]! !

!UpdatingThreePhaseButtonMorphEnhanced methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'sbw 3/3/2002 11:59'!
getArgument: aSymbol
	getArgument _ aSymbol! !

!UpdatingThreePhaseButtonMorphEnhanced methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'sbw 3/3/2002 12:06'!
	^ getArgument isNil
		ifTrue: [target perform: getSelector]
		ifFalse: [target perform: getSelector with: getArgument]
! !

!RadioButtonGroupMorph class reorganize!
('examples' example1)

RadioButtonGroupMorph removeSelector: #initializeWithValues:getSelector:!

!RadioButtonGroupMorph reorganize!
('private' isValue: setValue:)
('initialization' initializeWithValues:)
('accessing' getArgument: getSelector: setArgument: setSelector: target:)

Pop up a sample."
RadioButtonGroupMorph example1!

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak 3.2 of 11 July 2002 [latest update: #4917] on 25 July 2002 at 9:18:18 pm'!
"Change Set:		RadioButtonGrpEnh-ccn
Date:			25 July 2002
Author:			Chris Norton

Prerequisite:  RadioButtonGroupMorph-nk published by Ned Konz, July 25, 2002 at 4:51:45 pm.

This change set adds some common UI protocol methods to Ned Konz's excellent RadioButtonMorphGroup.

New protocol: 


Thanks Ned for providing us with a radio button group widget!!"!

!RadioButtonGroupMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ccn 7/25/2002 21:11'!
	"Answer the collection of objects that are associated with the radio buttons within the group."

	^values! !

!RadioButtonGroupMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ccn 7/25/2002 21:10'!
indexOf: anObject
	"Answer the index of the item anObject.  Answer zero if anObject is not found."

	^self contents indexOf: anObject! !

!RadioButtonGroupMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ccn 7/25/2002 21:09'!
	"Answer the selected item."

	^target value! !

!RadioButtonGroupMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ccn 7/25/2002 21:09'!
	"Answer the index number of the selected item."

	^self indexOf: target value! !

!RadioButtonGroupMorph reorganize!
('accessing' contents getArgument: getSelector: indexOf: selectedItem selection setArgument: setSelector: target:)
('initialization' initializeWithValues:)
('private' isValue: setValue:)

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