An attempt to support Czech language

Pavel Krivanek squeak1 at
Wed Jan 19 09:45:08 UTC 2005

 Very well,
but I have to notice, that the Czech Windows environment doesn't use the
ISO-8859-2 encoding but derived CP-1250. I will modify it...

Linux uses standard Latin2 encoding but here's a problem with keyboard
input. Squeak VM doesn't accept special Czech characters.

When I modify the VM (sqUnixX11.c, line 226) to

static x2sqKey_t x2sqKey= x2sqKeyInput;

and I run Squeak with correct environment settings

env LC_ALL=czech squeak *.image

accepted key codes for some special Czech characters are duplicitous! The
only solution I know is to modify the recode() function to do not any

int recode(int charCode)
    return charCode;

This is ugly non-standard hack. Will be there any official solution for X11
keyboard inputs?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Yoshiki Ohshima" <yoshiki at>
To: "The general-purpose Squeak developers list"
<squeak-dev at>
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 2:39 AM
Subject: An attempt to support Czech language

>   Hello,
>   It has been loong over due, but I finally put my hands on the
> support for Latin2 languages.  I've incorporated patches by Boris
> (Gaertner) and did a bit of homework by myself, too.
>   To try it out, grab a zip file from
> and fire up the image in it on an OS, presumably Windows running in
> Czech or some latin2 language mode.  Hopefully, you can type the
> characters from the keyboard, and copy-and-paste the text from the
> clipboard.  (At least, you should be able to "print it" the last line
> in the foreground workspace.)
>   It is based on 3.8 derivative image at:
> If you are interested in how it is built, grab this image and evaluate
> the content in the work space.
>   Right now, it only "supports" Czech, but you can add more latin2
> languages by adding the iso 2-character language code to
> Latin2Environment class>> supportedLanguages and do the necessary
> do-its.
>   It is not polished up, but at least it does something.  Let me know
> how it goes!
> -- Yoshiki

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