Let us face reality

Cees de Groot cg at cdegroot.com
Thu Jan 27 15:08:36 UTC 2005

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 11:25:36 +0100, stéphane ducasse  
<ducasse at iam.unibe.ch> wrote:

> For the second point, I proposed to ask ESUG if we could get some money  
> to change the first user interface of squeak: the web site and get it  
> better following www.seaside.st I need some figures first
You don't need money for that - you need a commitment by whoever is  
controlling the website that the thing is handed over to the community.  
There have been numerous redesigns, some better than others, but as long  
as the community is not able to decide about what is being put up there,  
nothing will change.

Most of the 'issues' with the Squeak community are not issues that are  
solvable with money, they are issues that are solvable by empowerment. If  
the-powers-that-be do not empower the community, you can start collecting  
piles of money but nothing will change.

So, we have a community-owned and community-controlled server now. It's  
running fine, and the purse is filled for the coming year.

Whoever controls www.squeak.org - can we transfer this site to that  
server, please?

Only if that has been done we can seriously talk about re-designing it,  
IMNSHO. And only if we have a satisfactory portal, with 'how stuff works'  
being explained to all community members (instead of the select few that  
actually manage to find out about the harvesting tools/process), we can  
start complaining about no-one having time and thinking about hiring a  
hand to solve that (which I think is probably the worst thing you can do  
with funding, having him/her doing administrative chores).

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