Re: Stéphane's book

Trygve Reenskaug trygver at
Wed Jul 27 10:28:39 UTC 2005

The link given by Stéphane goes over three lines. You should concatenate 
them, removing newlines etc.

It is easier to go to , find the book (e.g., search for ' 
squeak robot ') and you find the customer reviews at the bottom of the book 


At 11:22 27.07.2005, you wrote:

>Trygve Reenskaug ha scritto  in data 27/07/2005 11.04:
>>I've just posted a review of Stéphane's robotic book on Amazon. There are 
>>now two five star reviews!
>>I urge you to post your own review if you, like me, feel that this is an 
>>excellent book for informing the uninitiated about the nature of programming.
>for sure, but can you (re-)send the amzon link? :)
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Trygve Reenskaug      mailto: trygver at
Morgedalsvn. 5A
N-0378 Oslo           Tel: (+47) 22 49 57 27

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