YAXO bug with &

Michael Rueger michael at impara.de
Thu Jun 9 16:00:06 UTC 2005

Avi Bryant wrote:
> The current version of YAXO will fail when trying to parse the &
> entity - it seems to get confused by the fact that this resolves to
> the & character.  Unfortunately I couldn't follow the internals of the
> SAXParser well enough to propose a good fix...

Tell me about that part ;-)

The problem could be that entity expansions are going back into the 
parse stream and a parsed as if they had been there in the first place.
This allows for some weird macro expansions via entity expansion, was a 
nightmare to implement and may cause the above example to be unparsable.

Something like

Entity abc 'a be ce'

would  via

and the follow-up entity expansion parse as

'a be ce'

Do other parsers handle this?


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