Increasing image size, how to reduce?

Bert Freudenberg bert at
Wed Jun 22 20:26:21 UTC 2005

Am 22.06.2005 um 15:55 schrieb chenais:

> Hi every body!
> The size of my image is always increasing. Squeak 3.7, 216 Mb.
> An analysis (SpaceTally new printSpaceAnalysis) shows that 75% is  
> used for
> Bitmap. I don't know where the bitmaps are, and where are they  
> coming from.
> How can get rid of them?


Select "self" in your inspector and open the context menu. Choose
"chase pointers". This will show you the path from Smalltalk (the
system dictionary) down to your object.

If it's blank, select "self" and choose "objects pointing to this
value". You'll have to chase these pointers manually until you find
what's hanging on to your object and then kill it.

- Bert -

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