
Markus Fritsche Fritsche.Markus at gmx.net
Tue Mar 1 18:31:26 UTC 2005

changed #printOnHTTP: to #printHttpFormatOn:

Best regards, Markus

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.8gamma of ''24 November 2004'' [latest update: #6548] on 1 March 2005 at 7:28:32 pm'!

!HttpResponse class methodsFor: '*hv-override' stamp: 'maf 3/1/2005 19:28'!
fromMIMEDocument: aMIMEDoc 
	| content |
	content := aMIMEDoc content.
	(content isKindOf: String)
		ifTrue: [content := ReadStream on: content].
	^ self new status: #ok;
		fieldAt: 'Expires'
		put: (String
				streamContents: [:s | (TimeStamp fromSeconds: Time primSecondsClock + 86400)
						printHttpFormatOn: s]);
		 contentType: aMIMEDoc mimeType;
		 contents: content;
		 yourself! !

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