TTCFontReader>> processCharacterMappingTable implementation question

Ned Konz ned at
Fri Mar 4 00:23:36 UTC 2005

On Thursday 03 March 2005 2:08 pm, John M McIntosh wrote:
> I'll note that TTCFontReader>>processCharacterMappingTable: entry
> has
> (pID = 1 or:[pID = 3]) ifTrue:[
> This is checking for macintosh or windows character mapping however I
> attempted to read in a random font, picking
> /Library/Fonts/Corsiva.ttf
> That fails with unknown character mapping because we check for mapping
> type 1 or 3 only.  Now according to
> says that pID = 0 means
> 0 Unicode Indicates Unicode version
> So I'm wonder if any one is working on reading those font types?

I already am in my Freetype2 code.

The other thing to remember is that we should be using the unicode mapping 
anyway (nowdays).

If you look at a quickie font reference:

m := AlignmentMorph new color: Color white.
m listDirection: #topToBottom; wrapDirection: #leftToRight; cellPositioning: 
#leftCenter; hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap; cellInset: 5; 
layoutInset: 5; extent: 700 at 700; borderWidth: 2; openInWorld.
TextStyle actualTextStyles keys asArray withIndexDo: [ :k :fnum |
t := TextMorph new hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap; extent: 
600 at 600; fontName: k pointSize: 14; contentsAsIs: (Text streamContents: 
[ :strm | 
strm withAttribute: TextColor red do: [ strm nextPutAll: k ]; cr. (33 to: 255) 
do: [ :v | strm nextPut: (Character value: v). (v \\ 32) isZero ifTrue: 
[ strm cr ] ]]); yourself.
fnum even ifTrue: [ t backgroundColor: m color darker ].
m addMorphBack: t. ].


You'll see that our stock fonts are in fact Unicode.

I have some code that fixes this; I'll post it soon.

Ned Konz

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