[ANN] Knigge

Markus Fritsche Fritsche.Markus at gmx.net
Sun Mar 6 16:22:47 UTC 2005

stéphane ducasse wrote:

> can yo tell us more?


> Because this is a bit dry...
>     - what is the techno used for the precompiled?
>     - Is it on top of MC
>     ...

It basically uses PackageInfo to iterate over all needed information for 
marshalling classes and extensionmethods using a modified ClassLoader 
(by Alexandre Bergel) - modified such that marshalling CompiledMethods, 
which was done in Class, went to CompiledMethod (where it belongs, 
AFAIC). As I see now, this works for small classes, but seems not to 
work for bigger ones - I'll have to dig into that.

Also, I forgot initialization when transferred compiled - so await 
another release :)

Besides, USE A THROWAWAY IMAGE for this! :) (not sure if the compiled 
methods which get swapped in are correct - they give the same results, 
but they have another binary shape, as far as I can tell - only a user 
of Classloader here, no wizard).

The 'transfer by source' is simply a 'ChangesetPackageExport it there, 
file it in here'.

MC wasn't on my list so far, as Tric P2P repository does a nice job 
sharing the MC-Packages loaded on one machine to be transferred to another.

Regards, Markus


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