[ANN] Traits beta2.1 stable kernel

Markus Fritsche Fritsche.Markus at gmx.net
Thu Mar 10 22:36:59 UTC 2005

Cees de Groot wrote:

>> 1. one of the packages (al.preload-60) fooled the Tric-P2P 
>> repository,  renaming the file helped.

> Could you be more specific? Just curious whether - surprise, surprise -  
> there might be a bug in Tric-P2P :)

Well, I guess MCFileRepositoryInspector simply doesn't await a letter 
after a the first dot - the P2P Repo was simply the first I noticed it 
in. And since all the caching here and there, I don't get rid of it ;)
(maf is recursing through 'objects pointing to this value') :)

10 March 2005 11:33:26 pm

VM: Win32 - [4062]a SmalltalkImage
Image: Squeak3.8gamma [latest update: #6599]

SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\mfritsche\Eigene 
Trusted Dir C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\mfritsche\Eigene 
Untrusted Dir C:\My Squeak\mfritsche

Integer class(Object)>>error:
Receiver: Integer
Arguments and temporary variables:
aString: 'At least one digit expected here'
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: Number
methodDict: [534]a MethodDictionary(size 130)
format: 2
traitComposition: nil
localSelectors: nil
instanceVariables: nil
organization: ('testing' even isInteger isPowerOfTwo)
('arithmetic' * + - / // ...etc...
subclasses: #(SmallInteger LargePositiveInteger)
name: #Integer
classPool: [356]a Dictionary()
sharedPools: nil
environment: nil
category: nil

Integer class>>readFrom:base:
Receiver: Integer
Arguments and temporary variables:
aStream: [3866]a ReadStream 'preload.60'
base: 10
digit: -1
value: 0
neg: false
startPos: 0
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: Number
methodDict: [534]a MethodDictionary(size 130)
format: 2
traitComposition: nil
localSelectors: nil
instanceVariables: nil
organization: ('testing' even isInteger isPowerOfTwo)
('arithmetic' * + - / // ...etc...
subclasses: #(SmallInteger LargePositiveInteger)
name: #Integer
classPool: [356]a Dictionary()
sharedPools: nil
environment: nil
category: nil

Number class>>readFrom:
Receiver: Number
Arguments and temporary variables:
stringOrStream: [3866]a ReadStream 'preload.60'
value: nil
base: 10
aStream: [3866]a ReadStream 'preload.60'
sign: 1
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: Magnitude
methodDict: [642]a MethodDictionary(size 118)
format: 2
traitComposition: TNumberable
localSelectors: [215]an IdentitySet(#truncated #arg #asInteger #* 
#negated #log...etc...
instanceVariables: nil
organization: ('arithmetic' * + - / // \\ abs arg negated quo: 
reciprocal rem:)...etc...
subclasses: #(Fraction Float Integer ScaledDecimal)
name: #Number
classPool: [2070]a Dictionary()
sharedPools: nil
environment: [1224]a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
category: nil

Number class(Object)>>readFromString:
Receiver: Number
Arguments and temporary variables:
aString: 'preload.60'
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: Magnitude
methodDict: [642]a MethodDictionary(size 118)
format: 2
traitComposition: TNumberable
localSelectors: [215]an IdentitySet(#truncated #arg #asInteger #* 
#negated #log...etc...
instanceVariables: nil
organization: ('arithmetic' * + - / // \\ abs arg negated quo: 
reciprocal rem:)...etc...
subclasses: #(Fraction Float Integer ScaledDecimal)
name: #Number
classPool: [2070]a Dictionary()
sharedPools: nil
environment: [1224]a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
category: nil

--- The full stack ---
Integer class(Object)>>error:
Integer class>>readFrom:base:
Number class>>readFrom:
Number class(Object)>>readFromString:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[] in MCFileRepositoryInspector>>refresh {[:v | v third asNumber]}
[] in Set(Collection)>>detectMax: {[:each | maxValue ifNil: [maxElement 
:= each. maxValue := aBlock value:...]}
[] in MCFileRepositoryInspector>>refresh {[:result :each | each 
ancestors do: [:ancestor | result add: ancestor nam...]}
[] in Array(Collection)>>inject:into: {[:each | nextValue := binaryBlock 
value: nextValue value: each]}
MCFileRepositoryInspector class>>repository:workingCopy:
[] in MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>openRepository {[:repos | repos morphicOpen: 
[] in PluggableButtonMorph>>mouseUp: {[:m | (m containsPoint: evt 
cursorPoint) ifTrue: [m performAction]]}



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