Update from the p2p front

Markus Fritsche Fritsche.Markus at gmx.net
Mon Mar 14 07:30:23 UTC 2005

Cees de Groot wrote:

> I'm sorry - what do you mean, exactly?

Well, I see my node is communicated in the transcript, but when I press 
'refresh' in the P2P repo browser, the packages in the network don't 
show up.

Also, when I do AWGSingletonNode class>>#shutdown, TheInstance is 
nilled, but the AWGSingletonNode remains in the image, referenced by 
AWGServices subclasses (indirectly by processes). Does that thing die 
with the time? I think, the AWGServices start another AWGSingletonNode 
by using AWGSingletonNode class>>#default, but using the old dead one in 
other places. Is that correct?

Regards, Markus


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