Squeak People posting summary

Cees de Groot cg at cdegroot.com
Mon Mar 21 08:00:02 UTC 2005

Below are the most recent 5 articles that were posted on Squeak People
(http://people.squeakfoundation.org/). Apart from the articles, you will
find people's diary entries there, and an overview of the Squeak community:
who is doing what, people's "standing", etcetera. If you don't have an
account, please join - we're interested in getting to know you better!

This message is posted automatically every week by a dirty shell script. 


   Date: 2005-02-20 21:46:55
   Author: lexspoon
   Title: Squeak as a Commons

   Before we can organize Squeak, we must answer: "What is Squeak?" This
   article defines Squeak as a commons where many individual projects
   collaborate. The article sketches some of the subgroups using Squeak,
   and proposes an organizational structure based around giving
   representation to all of these subgroups.

   Date: 2005-01-27 15:49:25
   Author: gokr
   Title: Taming the translation beast!

   Now - I have just started figuring out how to translate my [1]Homepage
   Builder application to english and of course ended up digging into the
   translation stuff. This is a short (well, kinda) report on what I
   found, how to use what we have, and what I think we need to fix.

   Date: 2005-01-10 04:23:15
   Author: elvislives
   Title: squeak logo lookalike


   Date: 2004-12-30 16:37:02
   Author: jj
   Title: Boosting Squeak: RockSolid images

   I have read the "rant" and "unrant" subject with a mix of uneasiness
   (embarrassment) and fear. The "Rant" thread began on the 15th of
   december 2004, and produced a lot of discussion. I will not summarize
   the thread, because a lot of people read it. Instead, I will go
   forward and try to find a pragmatic and constructive of helping the
   community (and yes, I am also very bold and handosome :) <<
   ironic comment).

   Date: 2004-12-20 00:34:35
   Author: cdegroot
   Title: Terminus is up'n'running

   Terminus, the little system I cobbled up to export Squeak People's
   account and web-of-trust information, is up and running. The first app
   is a [2]Wiki which uses Terminus to decide whether certain actions are


   1. http://www.bluefish.se/english/hemsidebyggaren.html
   2. file://localhost/seaside/wiki

(end of posting. Thank you for your patience)

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