Lego Mindstorms support: know any Java programmers with some spare time?

David Shaffer cdshaffer at
Thu Mar 24 16:30:03 UTC 2005

Ned Konz wrote:

>I have just discovered a cross-platform Java library that supports all the 
>Lego Mindstorms RCX versions (including the USB towers!) under multiple OS 
>I think that using this library to make an server program that Squeak could 
>communicate with would be the easiest way to make cross-platform support for 
>Mindstorms RCX units.
>Know any Java programmers who could make a program using this?
>My idea is to find someone to do this:
>Make a command-line Java application that will act as a server for RCX control 
>and communications, letting one (or more) clients connect via TCP sockets.
>Then one or more Squeak images could connect to this "RCX server" over the net 
>and talk to the Lego Mindstorms RCX brick(s) attached to that server machine.
>This would be much easier than re-implementing all that stuff in Squeak.

There is already RCXServer included in the above jar.  It only supports 
one client connection at a time and it seems to sit near the bottom 
layer just above the actual device comm stuff (it requires the remote 
system to know the RCX command set).  He seems to use it as the other 
end of a RCXSocketPort.  Are you thinking of another layer of 
abstraction on top of this?  Maybe simple text commands?  If so, I'd be 
happy to help.  Let's talk details.


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