lists/newsgroups overview (Re: lists on gmane by default ?)

Simon Michael simon at
Sat Mar 26 02:55:33 UTC 2005

Cees de Groot wrote:
> Make a shell script that posts the request to gmane and I'll add it to 
> the  list creation script :)

No shell script yet. I've made :

"This page is about (a) gathering links to all known squeak-related mail 
lists and eventually (b) getting all of them added to gmane (non-empty 
existing lists, future lists, and back archives). This will make it 
easier to find, browse and search the various squeak projects' 
discussions in a consistent and usable way. Edits are welcome."

Please feel free, anyone, to

- add missing lists to the page
- use the form to add lists to gmane
- use the link to request archive import to gmane

..especially if you are the owner of any of these lists. Why ? Strictly 
speaking the owner's approval is required to get back-archives imported, 
so when the owner makes the request it expedites the process.

The advantage of getting the full back archive imported is that you can 
do very fast and powerful searches of the entire archive using a 
newsreader like thunderbird or the gmane search.

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