Monticello dependencies

Chris Muller chris at
Thu Mar 31 21:40:18 UTC 2005

Monticello is wonderful for one-click loading, but one-click saving still
eludes me.

I just want to work on code anywhere in the system and then save my root
package to a repository and feel confident that it and the subpackages will be
recreated in the loading image just as they exist in my saving image.

Does Monticello purport to meet this requirement or not?

If not, fine, end of story.  I'll shut-up about it and just be sure to verify
my out-going dependency links every time I save.

If so, am I the only one experiencing this?  Perhaps I am overusing
dependencies; I counted and have dependencies that run *eight* levels deep.  Is
this insane?  Is there anything I can do to assist the maintainers in
reproducing this?

 - Chris

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