modification of ContextPart?

Alexandre Bergel bergel at
Sun Nov 13 09:12:06 UTC 2005

Hi Michael!

The pseudo thisContext does a stack reification. I do not understand  
why you want to add a new variable in MethodContext. I understood  
that you wanted to avoid to use thisContext because it is time  

On an earlier version of classboxes, I stored in the current process  
some information. It is easy to extend the class Process.

One way to optimize the implementation of a cflow pointcut, is to  
manipulate a global state that reflect the execution flow. As a  
result, you do not inspect the stack anymore (i.e., no thisContext  
involved). For instance, if you want to find the pattern "foo called  
by bar", you can modify bar to do something like: globalState := 1,  
and foo to do: globalState := globalState + 10. Then, if globalState  
= 11, then you catch it.

We could also talk about that on Wednesday, in Darmstadt :-)


On Nov 12, 2005, at 4:14 PM, Michael Haupt wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to do some VM hacking. In particular, I'd like, as a first
> step, to add a field to the ContextPart class. That does not work in
> Squeak itself; it keeps telling me that this class cannot be modified.
> So far, that's understandable.
> But what steps do I need to take to add that field to the class? I
> have obtained the VM sources, but where in there is ContextPart, or
> its counterpart?
> Thanks for any hint,
> best regards,
> Michael Haupt

Alexandre Bergel

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